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Beneath Your Beauty Page 4

  With her minty hot breath on my face, she whispered, “God, yes.”

  Moving my mouth next to her ear, I groaned, “You feel like fuckin’ heaven.”

  “Hmm…I thought that before when your hands were on my body.”

  I growled at her confession. “Hold on, baby, ’cause I’m about to fuck you hard.”

  Her relaxed hands on my biceps clenched. I pulled my hips back and slammed into her, causing her to scream out my name, and to dig her nails into my skin. I scanned her face for any sign that I was hurting her, but all I saw was pure pleasure. I plunged deep and hard, thrust after trust, losing myself in her.

  “Oh God, Steele,” Kayden bellowed.

  Mild spasms began milking my cock, only making me pound into her harder. I moved both her legs to rest on my shoulders. I needed to get deeper. With my hands on either side of her head, my eyes still locked with hers, I pushed in as deep as her body would let me. When I was flush against her, Kayden’s eyes grew wide.

  “That’s right, baby. You’re fuckin’ full of me now,” I grunted in a domineering manner.

  She swallowed hard and inhaled deep breaths as I started to drive my hips forcefully. Her moans and cries urged me on.

  God, she feels amazing, like nothing I’ve ever felt before.

  With my orgasm on edge, I let her legs down. I couldn’t stop myself, and I didn’t want to.

  How am I supposed to come all over that beautiful face or that gorgeous body?

  I wasn’t going to do it. Something primal rose to the top, telling me I needed to mark this woman.

  My head fell beside her neck. I groaned as the first spurt exploded. “Kayden…” I grumbled into her ear as I fully released myself deep inside her, enclosing my arms around her.

  She circled my trembling sweat-covered body with her arms and legs, and we stayed locked together for minutes.

  Shit, Rico is going to be pissed with this scene.


  My hasty fingers fumbled with the button on my jeans. “Come on,” I muttered to myself, not able to dress quickly enough.

  After Steele had come inside me—which should not have happened—we laid sated in the warm embrace of each other for what had felt like hours, but it had actually only been about five minutes. Within those five minutes, my brain had diffused all the warm, fuzzy thoughts of Steele.

  I was here to do a porn scene—a freaking porn scene—not get all cozy with my co-star after sex.

  Nevertheless, there I laid, wrapped up in the tattooed, strong arms of a gorgeous man, and I soaked it all up.

  Once we had untangled, Steele had asked for my number. I hadn’t known if he was being nice or if he really did want it. Either way, I said no. I wanted to get today over with so I could go home. I needed to take a hot bath, engorge myself on coffee ice cream, read on my e-reader, or if I was truly desperate, watch a chick flick. Currently, I required it all. That man had made me feel things that I hadn’t felt in a long time. I kept those feelings on the back burner, as I’d not been ready to face them. I had to settle my sister’s shit before I could go any further in starting my life.

  Damn you, Mary. Why couldn’t you have been a normal teen girl?

  As I packed my bag and slipped my feet into my familiar and comfortable flip-flops, my cell chimed. I dug through my purse, found my phone, and slid my finger across the screen. A new text message appeared.

  9 a.m.—Tomorrow morning at Forenzo’s, Marco

  The blood drained from my face, my body shivered from cold chills, and my hands began to tremble.

  “Tomorrow, Kayden, it will all be over,” I murmured to myself, trying to calm my nerves. I typed out my reply.


  A soft knock sounded through the room.

  “Summer?” Red’s voice called through the closed door.

  I threw my phone back into my bag and made my way to the closed door, opening it to reveal Red shoving a black envelope into my face.

  “Oh,” I said, surprised, taking it from her hand.

  “Here’s your pay, honey. Must run,” she said quickly while she scanned the hall. “Rico is not in a good mood. Thanks for today. You were great. Call us whenever you want to come back.” She took off down the hall, her skinny ass rapidly swaying from one side to another.

  “Bye,” I called out to her fading slim form.

  Red threw a hand up and then disappeared into a room.

  Closing the door, I rested myself against it for a short minute with a smile on my face. “I’m done,” I told the small room.

  As my feet took me on a quick walk to my car, I sucked in the fresh air trying to put what had happened today as far behind me as possible. Pressing the unlock button on my key chain, I heard my name being called out. I ignored the shivering tingle down my spine, knowing only his voice could produce it.

  “Just keep walking,” I muttered to myself.

  “Kayden!” Steele shouted.

  I glimpsed behind me to see all his deliciousness jogging my way.

  “Kayden, please,” Steele pleaded.

  I opened the car door.

  Turning just as he made it to me, I snapped, “What?”

  He put his hands in the air. “Whoa. Calm down, Princess.” He grinned and then put his hand out. “You dropped your phone.”

  I snatched it out of his hand and slipped into the driver’s seat. Because he’d touched my damn hand, my voice came out breathy as I said, “Thanks.”

  Stupid freaking female hormones and sexy-ass guys who make them surge.

  “Kayden, I—” Steele started to say.

  I cut him off, “Sorry, but I really have to go. Um…thanks for today.”

  I slammed my car door, and Steele jumped back. I turned the key, and the engine came to life. I flew out of the spot and onto the road, putting as much distance between Steele and myself as I could.

  The only good that had come from doing the scene was that I’d come three times. Therefore, I should be good for, oh, another nine years, give or take. Finding a man these days was hard. There were dating sites, bars, speed-dating, and more. I could go on and on. I checked them all out, but I wasn’t one to put myself out there. For that reason, my e-reader and I had taken on a great relationship.

  Once I’d left the studio, I stopped by the salon, and I had Jenny turn my blonde locks back to my natural shade of dark brown.

  Thank God for Jenny.

  I hated the blonde hair. It wasn’t me, but it had served its purpose.

  Four hours later, I was finally soaking in a lavender-scented hot bath. With my phone in hand, I read the text again. After nine in the morning tomorrow, it would all be over. Then tomorrow night was Hunter and Spencer’s usual Friday night party. Well, it would be more like Spencer’s, Hunter’s roommate, party. Spencer was the wild one. I would never had pegged him as the party type with his short, bulky frame, medium-length wavy brown hair, hazel eyes, and full beard. He had this subdued dad look about him. That was not the case though.

  Spencer and I had gotten into it a few times. I’d caught Jeff and Dalton drinking beer one too many times down at Hunter and Spencer’s. Obviously, Hunter had had no knowledge of what Spencer was doing. I would’ve thought that Spencer would learn that giving alcohol to minors was illegal since Hunter was a cop, but he hadn’t. It only made him that much more rebellious since Hunter was always bailing him out.

  Later, I laid in bed with thoughts of Steele running rampant through my mind. He had mesmerizing blue eyes and soft coffee-colored hair that begged for a woman’s fingers to run through it. God, his body, all those dips of defined muscles along his tattooed tan skin would’ve had any woman begging for a touch. He was one of a kind and truly a work of manly art. The way his hands had caressed my body was a sensually erotic sensation. When his impressive length had entered my body, I thought I landed on cloud nine.

  The only problem about being on cloud nine was that I couldn’t stay there for long.

  I would always fa


  I threw my duffel bag on top of the flower-printed comforter.

  “Fuck,” I muttered to the tacky hotel room. “This is what you get for fuckin’ eighty dollars a night?”

  My cell vibrated in the pocket of my red gym shorts. I knew who it was, and I ignored it for the eighth time.

  Once Kayden had torn ass out of the parking lot, so had I. I had walked over to my rental car with my shoulders hanging in defeat. Ten minutes after I’d pulled out, Rico had been buzzing my cell like a fuckin’ nervous wife. I wasn’t in the mood to hear his shit about how the scene had played out. Fuck, I was even having a hard time with trying to decipher what had gone down.

  Kayden—that’s what went down.

  That woman had my friggin’ body twisted into fuckin’ knots that I’d only heard about but never experienced. I couldn’t even put it into sissy girlie words what she’d done to me, but she fucked me up. I thought about the way her soft, curvy warm body had felt against mine and how her face had flushed pink after she came. The sounds she made when I fucked her were music to my ears. And I had come inside her too. I had to. There had been no other way. It had ripped through my body like a hurricane and stolen my breath. I had never come that hard in my life. Afterward, I couldn’t even hold myself up. I had collapsed onto her content body, and with her heavy breath panting in my ear, she had me ready for round two.

  Nine years without sex? Damn.

  As beautiful as she was, she could have fooled me. Then, I slipped my cock into her tight pussy, and that had said it all. She squeezed the shit out of me, and man, did I want more—not just of that spectacular body but her. I needed to know everything about her.

  Why wouldn’t she give me her number?

  I was usually the one always saying no. That had been the first time I had to ask for a girl’s number. And to be shot down had sucked. However, before I had given Kayden her phone back, I peeked at it, and on the front of the screen had been a text from a guy named Marco. From what I had read, she would be meeting him at some Italian restaurant tomorrow morning. I had looked it up on my GPS, and booked a room at a hotel closest to it. It just happened to be diagonal from Forenzo’s.

  Guess who’s in the mood for some Italian?

  Ripping open the zipper of my duffel bag, I pulled out faded blue jeans and a black T-shirt with red-and-yellow flames and the Burn logo printed in the center of the back.

  Burn was a motorcycle shop that Kemen, a friend of mine, owned. He’d been trying to get me to partner up with him for some time now. I wasn’t ready to take that step. But, I loved riding my bike and having the power of a sweet ride between my legs while cruising on an open road.

  After a shower, loathing that I had to wash Kayden’s scent from my body, I set off to find some dinner. As I walked past Forenzo’s, the amazing aromas drew me in automatically and also knowing that Kayden would be there in less than fifteen hours helped, too.

  I sat at a small table in the back.

  A heavyset young woman of Italian descent came strolling over. “Well, hello,” she purred.

  “Hey,” I replied while glancing through the menu I had grabbed on my way in.

  “My name is Angela. Can I get you something to drink? Or we could perhaps get a cocktail later?” she asked in a flirtatious throaty voice and then winked at me.

  “Thanks, but I have a girlfriend,” I lied.

  I recognized I was fucked when the word girlfriend had rolled off my tongue so naturally. It was rare for me to turn down any girl. I loved women of all shapes and sizes. When I had that second to think about possibly meeting Angela later, my chest had felt tight, my breathing had picked up, and my mind had flown to Kayden.


  “Can I have a whole chicken parm to go?” I closed the paper menu and laid it on the table.

  Angela’s red lips pouted before she snatched the menu from the table, spun on her chunky black heels, and stomped away with a huff.

  “Spoiled brat,” I mumbled to myself, running my hands through my still damp hair.

  A heavy Italian accent came from behind me. “You no like my Angie, pretty boy?”

  My head turned toward the direction of the voice. A stocky balding man stood behind me. His arms were crossed over his chest, holding an unyielding stance. His dark eyes were piercing, and his brows narrowed as he spoke again, “Pretty boy, you no like?”

  I leaned back on the red vinyl chair, and mimicked his supposed intimating stance while sitting. “No,” I clipped. “Like I told your Angie, I have a girlfriend.” I held the man’s gaze for a beat before returning my stare to the red and white–checkered pattern on the tablecloth. I hoped he would get the hint and walk away.

  “Ah, you think you’re a smart one,” Baldy said.

  If he thought I was going to sit here and take his old-ass shit, he was wrong. I rose briskly, causing the chair to scrape across the battered wooden floor. “I said, I have a girlfriend,” I told him again through clenched teeth.

  Baldy gave my cheek two quick slaps, and his Italian accent thickened as he snarled, “No one talks to Marco like that, even a pretty boy with muscles.”

  My head spun.

  Who does this fuckin’ guy think he is? Oh fuck. That name…Marco… Kayden.

  My body went rigid as my hands came up when two men flanked me. I was never one to stand down from a fight. However, these men wearing all black stood at least three to four inches taller than my six-two frame. Their hulking large bodies reminded me of pit bulls. They were observing me as if I were their last meal and they were starving. This told me that Marco was not just some Joe Blow.

  It was definitely time to walk away. I put my hands down, maneuvered around the guard dogs, and headed for the door.

  What in the fuck is Kayden up to?

  Tomorrow at nine in the morning, I would find out.


  “No, guys, I’m doing good,” I lied, trying to avert the conversation. “How are classes going?” I spoke toward the phone sitting on the counter.

  I inspected myself in the mirror and applied my lip gloss. I glanced at the clock every so often, making sure I had enough time to make it to Forenzo’s.

  Dalton’s voice sounded through the speaker first, “You don’t sound right, Mom.” His tone filled with concern.

  Jeff voiced his opinion, “Yeah, I agree.”

  I had gazed at my reflection in the mirror as my thoughts traveled back at how I’d become a mom.

  My sister, Mary, had passed away eight years ago from a drug overdose. My nephews were left in the care of my parents. Not like that had been any different from the norm. Mary had lived with my parents, and they had pretty much raised Jeff and Dalton from birth. She had taken off for weeks, sometimes months at a time leaving my parents to solely take care of the boys.

  Mary had not been a normal teenage girl. She had been heavy into drugs, drinking, and sleeping around. She had become pregnant with Jeff when she was sixteen. With the condition she had been in at the time of conception, she couldn’t even narrow down three possible suspecting fathers. Shortly after Jeff was born, Mary had run away. No one knew where she had gone, but she came back home pregnant. Seven months later, Dalton was born. Yet again, she hadn’t known who the father was.

  A few weeks after Dalton had turned ten, my dad had passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack. Between my sister’s and my father’s deaths being so close together, my mother had broken down.

  I took a semester off from culinary school to come back home and help. When I realized my mom was worse than she had let on, I took matters into my own hands. I phoned her sister, Sally, and she arrived the next day.

  Aunt Sally was a hoot. She was five years younger than my mom, making her fifty-one. She’d never been married, not because she hadn’t had any offers. She was rocking everything she had like a woman in her twenties, looking good while doing it, and drawing the attention of guys of all ages. Even at her age, she still us
ed the same excuse.

  She would constantly say, I like to keep my options open.

  Most times, I could find her bartending at the local biker bar. If not there, then she would be on the back of a bike. Aunt Sally was a wild one. My mom used to joke that Mary should have been Sally’s daughter, but that joke died when my sister did.

  Once Aunt Sally saw the nature of mom’s mental state, there was only one option. She took my mom back to Texas with her, and I took the boys. Of course, she offered to take the boys also, but she wasn’t fit to raise a dog. She’d tried once, but the dog had kept running away. The sad part was that Aunt Sally hadn’t even realized the dog was missing most times. Her neighbor four blocks away had wound up keeping the dog.

  And that was just one of the reasons I took the boys to live with me. Despite her faults, I knew Aunt Sally would handle my mom with care.

  I walked into the kitchen, set the cordless phone on the counter, and poured a cup of coffee. “That sounds great, Dal,” I said with the delighted tone of a proud mother.

  “Yeah, the boss said he’ll work around my class schedule.” Dalton sounded excited. “Jeff wants to tell you about his woman.”

  “Shut up, dick,” Jeff snapped at Dalton.

  “Boys!” I yelled.

  My mom had given me what was left of Mary’s life-insurance policy money. I had packed up the boys and moved them to Florida with me. I’d became their sole guardian, making me an overnight mom at the age of twenty-one.

  After the boys and I had squeezed into my one-bedroom apartment, I enrolled them in school. Once I felt comfortable with how they were handling the transition, I went back to culinary school.

  After I had graduated a year later, I was offered a job at a nearby four-star hotel. I had started baking at the bottom of the confections side of the kitchen. Unfortunately, a year later, things had become hectic. With my long hours and trying to juggle parenthood, it had all began to spiral out of control. The boys’ grades had started suffering because I wasn’t there to help with homework. Then, they had missed baseball practices.