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Beneath Your Beauty Page 12

  “Stunning.” He breathed in. “You are absolutely stunning,” he said lowly.

  I matched his low tone as I said, “So are you.”

  Steele closed the distance between us. His hand gripped the back of my hair, and he tugged, forcing my head to jerk back. My breath hitched with the slight discomfort, and his face came to my neck. He ran his nose from my collarbone to my ear, breathing me in.

  “Mmm…delicious, just like the sweet juices that flow from your body,” he roughly whispered in my ear.

  My knees buckled, and my hands came up to grasp the soft material covering his upper arms. He let out a slight chuckle, and it radiated through my chest and landed right at my center.

  His phone chirped, breaking the moment. He let me go and went to the dresser. He picked up his phone, read the screen, and mumbled, “We have to go.” Opening the bedroom door, he twisted to face me. “Ready?”

  Obviously, his words hadn’t affected him as they had me because my panties were wet, and I was still glued to the spot, my eyes fixated on him. All the apprehension I had about what had happened earlier flew from my head. I mentally slapped my face and scrambled about to put a few necessities in my clutch. When I was done, I turned to him and saw he was adjusting his swollen crotch. I did a little happy dance inside. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one affected.

  “Ready.” I smiled, and then we were off.

  I took in the sleek beige inside of the black limo. The recessed lights in the roof caused a soft gold glow, creating a romantic feel. A small mirrored bar sat on the right side, while a bench seat lined the other.

  “Your first time?” Steele said, looking amused.

  “No,” I huffed.

  I must have looked like a kid in awe as he shot me a raised brow with a grin.

  I relaxed into the seat as if I’d ridden in a limo every day. “I rode in one to my senior prom.”

  I had. It was me and my lame-ass date, Rich, along with a few friends. We’d thought we were the shit because not many of the other seniors could afford it.

  “Ah, I see,” Steele said. “Did your date fuck you in the limo?”

  I turned to look at him. “Um…no. There were two other couples with us.”

  He winked at me, causing my heart to pick up speed. “Then, I guess I’m going to have to show you how fun Limo sex can be.”

  He ran a finger up my bare thigh and under my dress.

  I shifted, “Ah, no, you aren’t.”

  Steele brought his hand to my chin, capturing it between his thumb and index finger. With dark eyes trained on mine, he assured me, “Oh, Princess, we will, but not right now. If I’m any later than we already are, Arman will have my head.”

  I ignored the tingling sensation that flowed through my body and asked. “Arman?”

  “He’s the producer of the movie, beautiful.”

  He winked at me, and that caused the tingling sensation to roar through my body. I ignored it again and focused on the long road encased in trees.

  We pulled up to a stone mansion adorned in strands of white lights. Steele informed me that the place was mainly used as a rental for parties or weddings and that no one actually lived there anymore. I couldn’t imagine anyone living in such a huge place at any point.

  Once inside, Steele was pulled aside and surrounded by people. He moved from one group to the next.

  Our eyes connected at one point, and he mouthed, Sorry.

  I waved him off with a that’s-okay look. However, I wasn’t okay. I was walled in by stunning women in dresses that made mine look like a nun’s robe and men who oozed sex appeal and knew it.

  But my new motto was, When in Rome…

  I also figured that I’d watched a video with Steele having sex with another woman and I hadn’t passed out, and I was holding on to that. Therefore, if I didn’t pass out tonight, then I would be in the clear, and I could possibly deal with Steele’s lifestyle.

  Although, basing our relationship on whether or not I pass-out is probably not one of the brightest ideas I had.

  Cora bumped my shoulder. “Hey, you look nice.”

  I wasn’t going for nice. I was going for maybe great, but this was Cora. If she bent over in her red dress, I would have no problem seeing her tonsils. I also noticed she had enough cleavage to hide a small child. Her flowing silky blonde hair and perfectly sexy smoky eyes made her every young boy’s fantasy come to life. So, I took her comment with everything I realized I had to take with Cora and Addie—with a grain of salt.

  “Thanks. So do you.”

  She looked down at herself and shook her head as if I’d said the wrong thing. Cora snatched two glasses of champagne from the waiter crossing in front of us. “Drink up. You’re going to need it,” she said with a malicious chuckle and handed me the glass.

  I obeyed what she’d said and downed the champagne. I needed more liquid courage than I’d thought I was going to need to face the night.

  Cora grabbed my hand, and we found Addie. They took me on a tour. Occasionally, I would catch a glimpse of Steele across the room, still engulfed by individuals. The easy smile and the way he interacted with everyone said he was in his element. This was Steele Waters. This was his life. This was who he was. What concerned me the most was that it didn’t even look as if he ever scanned the room for me. At that admission, pain seized my heart, but I kept on moving with Cora and Addie, disregarding my inner turmoil. If I was going to stay with him, this was what I would have to deal with. It was time to put on my big girl panties.

  The front room consisted of white leather couches, red walls, white crown molding, and an array of black-white-and-red framed artwork. Some people cuddled close in deep conversations, and others mingled. Next, we passed through the gourmet kitchen, and I almost had an orgasm from just eyeing the restaurant-grade ovens.

  God, if I had those stoves I’d be in baker’s heaven.

  Men and women were dressed in all black, fluttering about and placing finger foods and champagne glasses on gold trays.

  Just when I thought this was not at all what I had expected at an adult-video wrap party, Cora and Addie brought me to where all the excitement was taking place. We moved out into the backyard, if that was what it could be called. It looked like a small part of Tuscany had been placed in the yard. The floors were brown slate, and an ivy-covered pergola the size of my house roofed the huge expansion of the concrete leading to a huge in-ground pool. Large stone pillars lined the backside of the pool. Tables, cushioned lounge chairs, plush outdoor couches, and topiaries were spread around the area.

  I tried to play it nonchalant as I knew Cora and Addie were taking me out here for the shock factor. Dance music pumped through hidden speakers, and couples and individuals were dancing and gyrating on the makeshift dance floor. Some were nude, and some were barely clothed. Naked men and women swam in the pool and walked about without a care in the world. This was somewhat what I had expected.

  As a naked man sauntered right past us, Addie asked, “You okay?”

  “Yep,” I lied. “Let’s go do a shot.” I turned and headed toward the outside bar, looking for more liquid courage.

  “All right,” one of the girls said behind me.

  Next to the bar was a huge poster of the DVD cover of the movie that Steele and I were here on behalf of.

  Big Isn’t Always Better was scripted along the top of the poster in glittery red letters. Steele’s tongue flicking a small-breasted girl’s nipple was placed in the center of the print. Thoughts of where Steele’s’ tongue had been flowed through my mind.

  I brushed it off and twisted to Cora at my right. “What should we do?”

  Addie gave Cora a knowing look. “Three shots of tequila,” Addie told the bartender.

  “Coming right up, ladies,” he replied with a dazzling white smile.

  “I’ve never had tequila,” I stated.

  Cora and Addie chuckled.

  “We kinda thought that,” Addie said.

  I wasn’
t a drinker, and I’d never had tequila before, so after two shots and one margarita, I was one of the people grinding on the dance floor.

  When Cora and I went back to the bar for our third shot, I bumped into Chris Hard.

  “Hey!” I shouted.

  He smiled. “Summer, I didn’t think I would see you here.”

  “I’m here with Steele.” I flung my numbing arm through the air. “Wherever he is.”

  Chris smiled the same way he had when I’d first met him. It had given me the heebie-jeebies, but the funny thing was that I didn’t feel it now. I smiled back.

  “I’m guessing that he doesn’t know where you are right now?” he questioned.

  “Nope,” I said carelessly. “Probably not,” I casually added.

  Chris laughed. “Yeah, honey, believe me, I didn’t think he did.

  I was just about to ask him what he meant by that, but my shot appeared in my hand. I downed it, and it didn’t burn anymore.


  Then, Chris asked if I wanted to dance.

  I didn’t want to be rude, so I did. He was a really good dancer. With my body feeling no pain at all, I let loose. We grinded, touched, and caressed each other through four songs. So was everyone else. And some of the people I’d met were married, and they were kissing and touching other people.

  When in Rome…

  After another two shots and a margarita later, my dress was gone, and only my gold lace panties were on my body while I was in the pool.

  Addie slurred, “Kayden, your turn.”

  “Yay!” I threw my hands in the air, the cool air caressing my naked breasts.

  Everyone shouted with me.

  Chris stood in front of me in the shallow end with a smile on his face. We were playing a game with about ten other people. I took a deep breath and went under the water. My teeth grazed his hip as I took the waistband of his underwear between them. I pulled down, only able to get them to move an inch. I did the same to the other side, and then I came back up and took a deep breath before going back under.

  I heard the muffled shout of my name as Chris lifted his last leg, freeing himself from the material. I broke through the water with his underwear between my teeth and my arms in the air. I screamed, but nobody else did. The party was eerily quiet all of a sudden.

  That was when I heard the roaring rumble of a fuming Steele. “Kayden!”

  I looked to my right. Steele was standing there with his hands on his hips, his face rock hard, his jaw twitching, and his cold blue eyes piercing into me.

  He thundered furiously, “What in the fuck are you doing?”


  I was starting to think that bringing Kayden home with me wasn’t a good idea.

  Guilt was like a fuckin’ disease that ate at you until you wanted to slam your head against a brick wall.

  I felt guilty for doing a scene earlier this afternoon and for ravaging her when I’d gotten home. Then, when we’d arrived at the party, I had been dragged away. Wrapped up in all her gorgeousness before we’d left, I’d failed to tell her the MO of these parties. I didn’t have to attend many of them, but Arman liked to throw parties promoting his movies. Most likely, that was why he had one of the top production companies in the business—All Out Productions.

  There were limited times my eyes had caught Kayden. She’d stolen my breath away as I’d watched her laugh and smile. She’d seemed to be having a good time while hanging with Cora and Addie. At first, I hadn’t thought her hanging with them was a good idea. But they were the only people she knew at the party. The way I had been pulled in five fuckin’ million directions, I was glad she had someone.

  When I’d seen Chris holding Kayden’s hand as they made their way to the dance floor, I’d seen fuckin’ red. Of course, when I had quickly weaved my way through hordes of people to get outside, Arman had grabbed my arm and told me he had news for me. At that moment, I had to choose him because I was praying he would give me the information I wanted to hear.

  I’d sat on the leather chair, watching Arman round the massive cherry wood desk. I’d sighed. “Are you going to tell me?”

  “How about a drink first?” Arman had passed the deep brown leather chair and turned to the credenza sitting behind the desk.

  I had watched him slowly pour amber liquid into two crystal tumblers.

  “Ice?” he had asked me.

  “Sure. While you’re at it, why not order a fuckin’ buffet of food before you tell me what’s going on?” I’d gritted out.

  Arman had chuckled. “That’s what I love about you, son—no holding back.” He’d turned around, leaned over the desk, and handed me the glass. “She’s a stunning woman.”

  My eyes had come to his. I’d taken a swig of the pricey whiskey, and held eyes as he took a sip, too.

  When I pulled the glass from my lips, I had agreed, “She is.” I shifted my antsy ass in the chair, wondering what Kayden and Chris had been up to.

  Arman had taken a seat, placed his tumbler down, and crossed his hands on top of the tan logbook sitting on the desk in front of him. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

  I’d taken another mouthful before placing my glass down, nodded once, and kept my mouth closed.

  Arman had inquired, “She must mean a lot to you.”

  “She does,” I had answered, keeping my words short, hoping he would get to the fuckin’ point.

  He’d sat back in the chair and rested his hands on his slightly plump belly. His movements had been slow, and it was eaten at my insides.

  Not being able to take the torture anymore, I’d ground out, “Talk.”

  “He agreed,” Arman had said, not smiling.

  I had smiled though. “That’s fuckin’ great. How much?” I’d sat up straighter.

  “Fifty grand.”

  Rising, I’d said, “Done.”

  Arman had sat up and pointed to the chair. “Sit.”

  I sat watching the intent look in his eyes. “Yeah?”

  Arman had taken a heavy breath and sipped his drink. “Are we losing you?”

  I’d put my elbows on my knees, hung my head, and run my hands through my hair. I’d been playing around with this question since I met Kayden.

  “Do you want the truth?” I asked the floor, gripping my hair in my hands.

  Arman had countered quietly, “Always.”

  I dropped my hands and had raised my head. “I’ve never felt this way before, and I don’t know what to do,” I had admitted.

  He nodded.

  I had continued, “She’s so different than any girl I’ve ever met. You and I come across women every day in this business, and not one of them has smacked my fuckin’ brain the way she has. This morning, on set—”

  Arman had raised his hand. “I heard.”

  I questioned keenly, “What did you hear?”

  He had exhaled. “You weren’t there even though you were. Vic said Steele Waters never entered the room.”

  I hadn’t had to answer because Vic had been right, and Arman had known it.

  I had huffed and rested my head on the back of the chair, observing the glass chandelier hanging from the textured peach ceiling. We had sat silent for a second.

  “I don’t know what to do,” I’d said to the ceiling.

  “You’re at the top of your career, Steele.” He’d continued impatiently, “Come on, boy. Use your head for once—and not the one you use for work.”

  I’d chuckled. “When I was on set, I had views of me having a nine-to-five job, coming home to Kayden every night, and the entire suburb shit that goes with it.”

  Arman’s voice had become strong. “That’s not you, son.” He’d looked me over before he’d continued, “Next, you’ll tell me you’re knitting goddamn baby booties.” He had thrown his hand in the air with disgust.

  I’d leaned up, my ass on the edge of my chair. “But you see, the more and more I think about this shit, the more it doesn’t sound that bad. As long as Kayden is by my side, th
en it will be all right.”

  Arman had rolled his eyes, sat up, and slammed his hands on the desk. “You’re the fucking god of porn, for Christ’s sake. You have it all.”

  “Do I?” I had asked him. “Do I have it all?”

  He’d regarded me with concern, but he had been at a loss for words.

  “Haven’t you ever felt this way?” I’d whispered.

  Arman had unpleasantly laughed. “Yeah, I did. Now, she’s probably out there fucking the newest up-and-coming male porn star.” He’d glanced out the window and then carried his eyes to mine.

  “Mara.” I breathed out, feeling the slight pain I’d seen behind his eyes.

  I knew Mara and Arman had been married for years. I also knew she would sleep with all the new guys coming into the profession. It was an ongoing joke that she was the initiation fuck into the business. And I hated that for him, because he was a good guy, which is one of the reasons I’d never fucked her.

  “Yep, she was all sweet and innocent when I met her.” His eyes had floated off as he remembered another time in his life. “Brought her into the business with me, and here we are, seventeen years later. She’s fucking everything, and I’m working my ass off for private trainers, five-star lunches with her girlfriends, and a mansion where she fucks these men.” His attention had come back to me. “And the fucking sad thing is, I still love that bitch more than anything.” Arman had shaken his head in bewilderment. “Is that what you want?”

  “Kayden’s different—” I’d started.

  He had interrupted, “That’s what I said about Mara in the beginning.”

  He’d risen and filled our empty glasses again. We’d sat quietly, listening to the muffled music, both silently reflecting on our lives.

  Once we’d finished some business and the money had been wired, I’d left the room. Heading for the bathroom, Arman’s words had filled my head. I’d splashed cold water on my face and then stared at my reflection.

  Sweet and innocent—yes, that’s my Kayden. She would never do what Mara did—not my Kayden.

  A smile had come to my lips from just thinking about her.