Beneath Your Beauty Read online

Page 7

  He full-out grinned this time. “Nope.”

  “Nope?” I repeated. Realizing I was getting nowhere, I let out an exasperated sigh and tried another tactic. “Could we at least sit down?”

  “That we can do,” he answered, calm and smooth.

  Steele sat in my deep chocolate comfortable armchair in the corner of my room that I’d purchased a few weeks ago on a whim.

  I started to move off his lap, but his hands gripped my waist, and he lazily shook his head. Not so lazily, I nodded back to him. Then, he grinned that super sexy smile of his, shaking his head again. I was completely lost in his grin, and I decided that I would stay in his lap.

  Him and his stupid smile.

  “Speak,” he said.

  I puffed and crossed my arms over my bare chest. I was not going to speak.

  Do I look like a dog?

  Then, he placed a firm kiss to my lips and muttered, “Please.”

  I was not usually this weak—really, I wasn’t—but, for Christ’s sakes, this man made me feel like I had no backbone.

  Therefore, I spoke, “Hunter is a cop who lives down the block from me. He’s helped me out with the boys a few times, and we became friends. Before you ask, no, nothing has ever happened between Hunter and me. I think of him as a brother. Spencer is his roommate and a total nutcase. He loves to party and loves women even more. Again, no, nothing has or ever will happen between Spencer and me.” I stopped to take a breath, giving Steele a chance to cut in.

  “You never stated that nothing will ever happen between you and Hunter,” he said with his head cocked to the side.

  All my rambling, and that’s what he got out of it?

  “No, nothing will ever happen between Hunter and me. Are you happy now?”

  His eyes wandered down to my mouth and then to my bare breasts. At one point in my rambling, I had uncrossed my arms and placed my hands on his chest, but I had no recollection of doing so.

  Steele’s hands clasped my hips. I was becoming uncomfortable with his eyes lingering on my chest. However, before my body flushed under his concentrated stare, he brought his dark blue suggestive eyes back to mine.

  “I’m very happy,” he said quietly in his rough voice.

  His words instigated a completely different kind of flush to heat my body. Then, he grinned, and I liquefied.


  “Steele, we can’t do this. We come from two totally different worlds. This is not going to work.” As much as I hadn’t wanted to, I’d had to get that off my chest.

  A look of hurt flashed in Steele’s eyes. It clenched at my heart, but I needed to cling to my opinions.

  “You two have thirty minutes to get to my house, or I’m coming back!” Hunter yelled from behind the closed door.

  I chuckled at Hunter sounding like a father. Steele’s features never faltered.

  I sobered, and my face went blank. “Steele…”


  Each time she said it would not work between us was like a knife in my chest. I had only known her for two days, but I knew what I felt. I fucked more women, on and off the screen than I could count, and I’d never felt this before. Fuck, it had to be something and something pretty fuckin’ phenomenal. I believed, I could tell Kayden anything. I could take on the goddamn world and never look back. Yeah, I’d admit I was a cocky son of a bitch, but no one knew the real me. The way Kayden looked at me at times was as if she could see right through me.

  I can’t just let her toss what we both feel aside.

  I can’t .

  I will not let her walk away.

  I won’t.

  I lifted from the seat, and Kayden gasped at my quickness. I laid her down on the bed. Climbing on top of her, I used my knee to spread her legs, and settle between them.

  I gazed into her sultry deep brown eyes as I told her how it was going to be, “This, Princess”—I waved my hand between the both of us—“is happening, and it’s going to stay that way.”

  I didn’t give her time to protest. My mouth fused with hers in a heated kiss. I poured my feelings into it, hoping she could sense them. She enclosed her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her. I groaned, and I was rewarded with a whimper into my mouth.

  Her hard nipples brushed against my chest. I slowly broke the kiss and headed for my next destination. I kissed and sucked my way down her chest, and covered my mouth over her nipple. Kayden groaned, and her whines and moans only urged me on even more.

  When I was on set and in the midst of a scene, I’d listen to the whimpers, moans, groans, and talk. With a trained ear, I’d pay attention to what really got the woman off.

  I’d decipher whimpers as, You’re teasing me.

  Moans would be, You have me so fuckin’ turned-on right now.

  Then, groans would be, Oh yeah, baby, you most definitely have the right spot.

  With Kayden though, every spot was a whimper, moan, and groan. And that was a huge fuckin’ turn-on.

  With my cock so goddamn hard, I wouldn’t be surprised if it popped the teeth of my zipper wide open. I released her nipple with a slight bite, and she groaned. I ran my tongue across her chest, loving the taste of her skin in my mouth, and then I gave her other breast the same attention. Her back arched, her fingers weaved their way into my hair, and she tugged. This drove me fuckin’ insane. My fingers gripped the tab of her zipper and pulled. The button was next. Then, I sat up and met Kayden’s hazy eyes.

  “Damn, baby, you’re so fuckin’ beautiful.”

  My God, she is.


  There were only two other times I’d seen her look more beautiful than she did right now. One was when I’d sunk my cock deep into her pussy, and the other was when she’d come.

  “So are you,” she whispered while trailing her fingers around my tattoo.

  My hands gripped her jeans and panties and pulled them off in one swift move. I gazed down, mesmerized by the gorgeous woman lying beneath me. Without a single touch to her naked body, my heart began to beat with tremendous force. My breath caught as she suffocated me with her beauty.

  I propped myself up with a hand next to her head. I laid my other hand on her neck, my thumb at one pulse point and my index finger at the other. Her eyes widened as fear began to seep in.

  I gently shook my head, offering her a silent, I’m not going to hurt you.

  Once her pounding pulse slowed down, I ran my hand leisurely down her naked form with our eyes locked in a deep gaze.

  My hand landing at her core, I cupped her sex and mumbled, “Only mine.”

  She didn’t even hesitate as she nodded her head. I pressed a finger into her wet pussy and twirled it. Her eyes rolled back as she gave a throaty groan.

  “Oh God,” Kayden breathed out.

  I pulled my finger out slowly, and Kayden opened her eyes.

  I brought my hand up to my mouth, sank my finger in, and sucked her juices off of it. “Damn, baby, you taste so good.”

  Her eyes rounded while watching me as she drew in a deep inhale of breath.

  I leaned down, placed a kiss to her stunned lips, and murmured, “Come in my mouth, Princess.”

  She smiled slowly. I smiled back, and then I made my way down her body.

  Kayden was the first woman to ever come in my mouth, and I was completely addicted to her taste. The sweetness of her juices had me yearning for more. I dived into her slick, wet cunt like a hungry man. Well, in my case, I was hungry for everything Kayden.

  I grunted around her, pushing my tongue as deep inside as I could. My hands cupped her ass, lifting her from the bed and to my mouth. I removed my tongue and ran it from front to back. When I reached her ass, Kayden’s body clenched. That told me that nobody had ever taken proper care of this woman.

  Fuckin’ hell, I will.

  I let my tongue play with her tight hole.

  “Holy shit…Steele…” Kayden moaned quietly.

  Then, she tried to squirm away. I gripped her ass firm
ly, holding her in place. I spread her cheeks more and let my tongue assault her. As her body began to relax, her head started flailing back and forth on the pillow, gasping and whimpering loudly. I moved my tongue back up and rolled circles around her stiff clit. I continued with a flick of my tongue and a few licks to her extremely soaked pussy, and then went back down. As I kept up the tongue-torturing of all three places, Kayden’s body started to tremble.

  My husky voice told her, “Let it go, baby.”

  Then, she did.

  She let out a throaty groan and a loud, “Steele,” as her orgasm cascaded through her body.

  Her pussy pulsated around my tongue as I greedily swallowed everything she had to give. I released my hands from her ass, placing her lax body gently back on the bed. I kissed my way up her stomach and chest. Her eyes opened when I laid a kiss on her nose. The drunk-from-coming look on her face was completely gorgeous, and I planned on seeing that look a hell of a lot more.

  “That was…intense. I don’t think I can move,” Kayden whispered.

  I smiled at her, kissed her lips, and continued nibbling my way to her ear where I whispered, “That’s what we call a come-coma, sweetheart.” I chuckled.

  So quietly that I could barely hear her, she said, “I’ve never had anyone put anything, not even his tongue on—”

  I stopped her, “I know, Princess.” I winked at her and kissed the motherfuckin’ shit out of this beautiful woman.


  Thirty-four minutes later, Hunter kept his promise by pounding on my door. The only good thing about him returning was that he hadn’t brought Spencer with him. I knew Hunter meant well, and he was only looking out for me.

  Therefore, I let him integrate Steele. Even though I could see the testosterone boiling in Steele, he played it as casual as could be. He explained to Hunter that we’d met in the city. I then had to explain what I had been doing in the city by myself. I came up with the excuse that I had been looking for new furniture. That caused Hunter to go on a tirade that my furniture was not that old, and I shouldn’t be spending money on new furniture. After that outburst was over, Steele seemed to relax. He probably gathered that nothing was going on between Hunter and me besides our brother-and-sister bickering.

  The minute Steele convinced Hunter that he truly was interested in me for me and not for other things—even though I was very interested in Steele’s intentions about other things—all worries floated away, and soon, the two of them were talking about motorcycles.


  I stomped my foot on the tile floor. “Can we please go eat?” Knowing I would break Hunter down and end the conversation, I continued to whine, “I’m starving.”

  This worked.

  However, on the walk to Hunter’s, I had to listen to him bitch about the fact that he thought I didn’t eat enough. My hips and ass seemed to disagree. On our stroll down the block, Steele kept glancing behind us. I turned to see what had caught his eye, and noticed a black BMW with tinted windows parked at the end of the block.

  A cold shiver ran down my spine. This concluded that, in fact, Marco did have guys on us. Hunter walked in front, still rambling, and he was oblivious to our actions. I looked up at Steele. His face was set in stone, and pure anger was written on his expression while his eyes were fixated forward.

  He squeezed my hand, communicating a nonverbal, I know.

  My mind raced with every negative thought.

  What if Marco isn’t happy with a hundred grand? What if he expects more from us? Or worse, what if he wants more from me?

  I was stupid, plain ole stupid. I should have gone to the police when the goons had shown up at my door.

  As we reached Hunter’s house, he turned to me, and took in the look on my face. Apparently, my features delivered what my mind was rambling on about, since he asked with alarm, “You okay.”

  Steele and I glanced to one another and then to Hunter.

  “I have a headache,” I blurted out.

  Not long after, we walked through the door, and the girls that were present had all been striving for Steele’s attention in some way. Men also gave Steele back slaps, handshakes, and awed faces. Spencer was ever so gracious to let everyone know who Steele was. Then again, most of the men had already known.

  I quickly scanned the room, looking for Jake. I didn’t see him, and I prayed that maybe he’d left. When I turned to Hunter to ask about Jake, he emerged from the hallway.

  Oh, great.

  From time to time, all of Hunter’s male friends would joke about getting first dibs on me when I was ready. I’d grown to laugh them off. The only problem was that Jake seemed to make it his mission to accomplish that feat.

  Jake was a nice guy, but he just wasn’t my type. I didn’t really have a type, but if I did, I knew he wasn’t it. And he had the worst breath I had ever smelled. I knew that was mean, but it was true.

  “Your boyfriend, huh?” Jake’s hot breath caressed the back of my neck, causing an uncomfortable icy trail up my spine.

  I would have turned around, but I didn’t want that reeky smell creeping up my nose. “Yeah,” I said softly, trying not to outwardly cringe.

  My eyes found Steele in the mix of guys crowding him in the kitchen. Admitting to Jake that Steele was my boyfriend, I didn’t let go unnoticed as I watched him interacted with the other men. He smiled, laughed, and held himself with a confidence I had never observed before.

  “That the reason you went into the city—to pick up your porn star?”

  I couldn’t see Jake’s face, but I heard the scowl in his tone.

  “Jake—” I started to say, but then I felt his hand land on my hip.

  Steele’s head whipped to the side and zeroed in on Jake and me. His eyes fell to Jake’s hand on my hip, and his muscular long legs started moving, rapidly bringing him in the direction of Jake and me. His jaw was ticking, his mouth was set in a hard line, his nostrils were flaring, and his eyes never left the hand covering my hip.

  This was not going to be good.

  Steele stopped a foot away and pierced his angry blue eyes into Jake. “Mind taking your fuckin’ hand off my girl?”

  Jake’s hand flexed on my hip, but he didn’t release it. “Just a friendly gesture, pal,” he sneered.

  Steele’s eyes flashed to me for a split second before the clear blue of his eyes darkened. “Well, I suggest you stop being so friendly with my girl,” he said through gritted teeth.

  I stood there, frozen, and not able to speak. A warm sensation crawled through my body and settled deep into my bones. Steele’s stance and possessive macho attitude were doing things to my body I had never recognized before. I liked it—a lot. The smile playing behind my lips stayed there. This gorgeous man was staking his claim, and that claim was me. I’d never had anyone in my life do this.

  Jake’s hand dropped from my hip. Steele’s arm came out and snagged me around my waist before pulling me flush against his front. I placed my hands to rest on his chest. The pounding of his heart pulsed into my fingertips. He was pissed. No, he wasn’t just pissed. He was furious.

  Steele leaned forward an inch. “One thing you need to know about me is, don’t ever—I mean, ever—fuckin’ touch what’s mine,” he said in a rage-laced low voice.

  Jake chuckled and rolled his eyes, and Steele’s muscles flexed under my hands.

  “Is that so?” Jake questioned.

  As I quickly skated through my mind on how to stop what would eventually end badly, Hunter appeared at Jake’s side.

  “Go get a beer, man,” Hunter said to Jake.

  Jake flashed a scrunched face toward Hunter. Hunter nodded, and Jake walked away.

  Problem solved. Thank God.

  It was then I realized that the room had gone silent. All eyes were focused on Steele and me. The chatter slowly started up again as one of the girls named Libby, made her way through the living room coming toward us.

  Libby and I had never gotten along. She was what I liked to cal
l, Hunter’s plaything. My guess was that she was jealous of the relationship Hunter had with me.

  She flung her fake blonde hair around and batted her green eyes at Steele. To my surprise, he didn’t even give her a second glance. Usually, the guys were all over her. This was a complete shock—not only for me, but also for her.

  Robin and Tonya took their usual stance and flanked Libby. I always found this funny because I couldn’t care less about the popular girl and her bitchy sidekicks. I never interacted with them all that much. I wasn’t the girl to get fall-down drunk and hang all over men. This was something they all did very well.

  “Hi, I’m Libby, and I’m a yoga instructor,” Libby told Steele what she did as if it was some great revelation to him.

  Hunter swung by and placed a beer in Steele’s empty hand. His other hand was still wrapped tightly around my waist.

  Steele took a long pull from the bottle before plainly replying, “That’s nice.”

  Libby rushed out like she were telling a great big secret, “Kayden bakes.”

  Steele looked down at me and grinned. “Yes, I know.”

  “I tell her all the time that she should come to yoga class and burn off those calories that she consumes while baking.” Libby eyed me from top to toe.

  At this point, I’d had enough, especially after the pissing contest that had just taken place between Steele and Jake. Also, I had to add in the fact that a drug dealer was on my ass. Plus, I desperately wanted a bubble bath. I was dating a freaking porn star, and although I hated to admit it, I was really beginning to like it.

  Therefore, I did what I wouldn’t had normally done, and spat out, “Fuck off, Libby,”

  All three perfectly made-up faces and styled hair lashed back. Libby narrowed her brows as she opened and closed her stunned mouth—twice.

  “Well, it was nice to meet you all, but I think it’s time for Kayden and me to go,” Steele clearly said with an amused tone. Then, he turned to me and I witnessed him holding back a grin. “Ready to go, Princess?”

  While I was on a roll, I figured that I could make their picture-perfect heads explode. I gazed up at Steele and suggestively ran my hand down the tightly groomed beard. “Sure, but only if you promise to do that thing you did earlier with your tongue.”